The Ziva story & philosophy

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Amy is a digital learning specialist who has created hundreds of online courses over the last decade. Her courses have picked up many awards along the way and her clients are known to say things like 'her work sparkles with intelligence and creativity'.
Ziva was birthed into existence through pure intuition after Amy lost her mother and was initiated into her power. Creating and nurturing Ziva is a source of love.
Ziva is an expression of Amy ~ a culmination of all the learning and healing in her journey through life.
Amy's mantra is ~ dance through life with ease and flow.

~ Ziva partners ~

Maren Elizabeth
⋆ Course Designer ⋆

Maren is a lover ~ healer ~ teacher who spent many years journeying the path of academia. This anchored a deep understanding of scientific modelling in Maren’s psyche, while her soul searched for more. 
 As a powerhouse queer burlesque performer (Ava St James), Maren’s passion lies in unlocking expression through sensuality. 
Maren’s mantra is ~ trust your magic, follow your pleasure. 

Maren works closely with Amy to deliver all courses through the Ziva portal, manage technical issues, engage the community and support our creators. 

Bronya Aruna
⋆ Course Designer ⋆

Bronya is an incredibly talented digital learning specialist, picking up many awards along the way, most recently for 'Australia's Best Wellbeing Program'.
After experiencing severe burnout, Bronya's passion lies in guiding women back to their bodies ~ back home ~ after trauma. She is an intuitive tarot reader, reiki practitioner and embodiment coach.
Bronya’s mantra is ~ always trust in divine timing.
 Bronya brings her specialist knowledge, experience and creativity to support the design process and generate innovative ideas for each new Ziva creator. 

Rosa Spink
⋆ Manifestation & Support ⋆

Rosa is a woman of many magical talents, releasing people from the shackles of their minds to step into their power.

Rosa's own offerings are interwoven journeys designed to raise the frequency of her clients using meditation, mindfulness, tantra, sensuality and self pleasure, embodiment and emotional clearing.
Rosa's mantra is ~ there's always more to life.


Rosa's gift to all Ziva course creators is a complementary Course Manifestation Session, clearing emotional blocks to align each energy centre with the course they are creating.

I'm feeling the pull

I'm ready to find out how I can co-create with Ziva.

~ Our vision ~

To help the creators of the world package their soul work, share their gifts and leverage the digital space to up-scale their business.
To build a community of creators and seekers who are ready to up-level and transform their lives.
To offer the seekers of the world heart-led courses that provide a genuine opportunity for growth and transformation.

~ Our values ~


We operate on a 'win-win-win' basis... our offerings are created to benefit the Ziva team, creators and seekers equally. To us, success means everyone wins.


We create courses that are beyond anything else on the market. Our courses are beautiful, engaging, interactive and immersive.


If it's not in alignment with the Ziva vision and values, we don't do it.

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I'm ready to take the next step and see what's on offer.
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