“Sometimes the bravest and most important thing you can do is just show up.” Brené Brown

~ Featured creators ~

Desha Peacock
Biz and LifeSTYLE design coach, helping multi-passionate female entrepreneurs make money doing work they love by growing their digital audience. 
Holliea Fairleigh
Ayurvedic alchemist and Shamanic midwife. Keeper of ancient wisdom and educator on all things relating to
sacred menstruation & conscious conception.
Bronya Aruna
Intuitive tarot reader, reiki practitioner and healer ~ founder of Wild Lotus Tarot. Free thinker, truth seeker and weaver of magick.

Have you ever noticed how plants turn and stretch and reach towards the sunlight?

Their growth is determined by their surroundings and they’re forever following the light.

What is your light source?

What are you reaching towards?

What will support you to bloom? 

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